Monday, December 3, 2007

Because They Know that Something Special Is Coming

There is a progression or movement of Advent that first starts with longing and desire for a Messiah. So many times we head into this season and jump directly into celebration . It either starts the day after Thanksgiving or it hits us right before Christmas. But in order to receive Christ (light), we must first recognize our darkness; before we can fully celebrate Him, we must see our need for Him. This is longing. As we we were preparing our living room space for Advent, we tried to be in touch with this spirit of longing and desire...This included reaarranging our furniture so we can make room for our sacred space and Advent symbols (when we accept Christ into our lives, doesn't He turn things up-side down?). We decided not to simply slap the decorations on the tree, but rather leave it bare - hence longing. We also decided not to build the nativity scene with all its characters, but rather place them at different places in our living room. Mary and Joseph travel and long for Bethlehem; the inkeep stands outside of his motel, knowing the busy-ness of our business will keep him from receiving the baby Christ; and the wisemen are prepared their journey by following the star - all of this is longing. The most exciting and challenging part of this is trying to explain it to our children. Hana wanted to know when we were going to decorate the tree. And I think she understood when she placed Joseph and Mary dolls on the other side of the room - "I know why, papa" she said "because they know something special is going to happen!"

WOW! Knowing something special is going to happen....This is the Spirit of Advent. What a joy it was to hear this from my daughter.

What a special evening it was for myself and our family, and hopefully for those who joined us last night. To see the children (Hana, and the Grubbs boys) participate last night was very very special, and something our family will cherish always.

I fell asleep last night with a feeling of a "good tired" if you want to call it that. My mind was exhausted, but at peace..

Below is the prayer that was shared last night after the Tale of The Three Trees was read by Rick and enacted by the kids. This prayer, written by Henri Nouwen, has helped me journey through my own recent desert experience, and captured the Spirit of longing.


Dear God,

I am full of wishes, full of desires, full of expectations.
Some of them may be realized many many not
But in the midst of all my satisfactions and disappointments
I hope in you.
I know that you will never leave me alone and
will fulfill your divine promises.
Even when it seems that things are not going my way,
I know that they are going your way, and that,
in the end, you way is the best for me.
Oh, Lord! Strengthen my hope
especially when my many wishes are not fulfilled.
Let me never forget that your name is Love.


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