Saturday, December 8, 2007

Come Lord Jesus to Our Children

Happy Sabbath! Advent is about celebrating a God who came to Earth (Emmanuel) and joined us in our poverty to save us (Come Lord, Jesus Come). Advent is a also season in which Christ-followers (Christians) can celebrate Christ-mas in ways that are radically different. Imagine this - we were saved and blessed to be a blessing to others....

Child sponorship is one way to re-invite Lord Jesus to come into a dark world. Just in case there are any questions if sponsoring a child through a Christian organization makes a difference, check out the video of Michelle T. of the Philippines below. Michelle spoke at the National Youth Workers Convention in San Diego in October 2007 and the two subsequent conferences in St. Louis and Atlanta giving her testimony about how she came to know the love of Christ through as Compassion International Child. Tears flowed and thousands stood up in ovation as they heard her speak.

Our family currently sponsors two children, (through Compassion and World Vision) Brenda from Zambia and Athumani from Tanzania, and we have each of their photos posted along photos of our own three children on our refrigerator, reminding us that they too are loved by a Heavenly Father.

Perhaps this Advent Season, you will also help invite Lord, Jesus come into a life of a child, who desperately needs to know about His love.


O Jesus Christ,
Emmanuel, come and dwell with us.
Desire of all nations;
Gift to every generation,
Come, make your home with us.
All nations, all chidlren, everybody,
are waiting for you,
Indians and Eskimos
are waiting for you,
People in Japan, India, China
are waiting for you.
Children in Africa, the Philippines
are waiting for you.
Jesus, come to us.

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